شكالية ترجمة التعبيرات االصطالحية في الوعد الحق لطه حسين إلى السواحيلية


  • محمد عبد الرحمن عطية بيومي Author


Translation Problems,, Translation Difficulties, Idiomatic Expressions, Direct and Indirect, Translation Measures, Translation, Arabic into Swahili, Taha Hussein’s, Fulfilled Promise


Translation is the bridge that has always linked between continents and cultures, despite differences of their languages. Since it was a way of communication, translation has become an independent field of science that has its own rules, theories, strategies and measures. Yet, this did not prevent the translator from making mistakes at times and struggling with some difficulties at other times. We mean here, the translator who deal with idiomatic expressions; the one who will, regardless of his experience, competence and mastery in the languages he/she translates from and into, find himself/herself unable to translate these idiomatic expressions, given their cultural background, as the translator cannot understand the meaning of an expression by just understanding the words that compose it and he/she is not also allowed to literally translate it, otherwise the intended meaning will be lost.

    Therefore, we address in this research the problems of translating idiomatic expressions from

Arabic into Swahili, in light of translation strategies and measures by Vinay, Darbelent and Peter Newmark, and suggest some solutions to them. The research is based on the analysis and criticism of some selected examples of idiomatic expressions in Taha Hussein’s Arabic book “The Fulfilled Promise (الوعد الحل) “and their equivalent in the Swahili translated version of the same book, which is titled "Ahadi ya Haki".


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How to Cite

عطية بيومي م. ع. ا. . . شكالية ترجمة التعبيرات االصطالحية في الوعد الحق لطه حسين إلى السواحيلية. ABDULRAHMAN AL-SUMAIT University Journal (SUJ) 2024, Pages 25.

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