This study aims at identifying the weaknesses of leadership of charitable organisations in Sudan. It appears that there is misconception on the principles or requirements of managerial leadership in these organisations and inefficiencies are experienced. Among the problems facing such Organisations and their leaders areinadequate financing, lack of proper planning, ineffective coordination and communication.
This study explores the situation of managerial leadership in the performance of six. selected charitable Organisations in Sudan. In this study essential factors for effective managerial leadership are explored such importance of leadership, the ability of management in introducing innovations in the way charity organization are managed,decision making process and coordination among themselves to reduce duplication of activities to maximize utilization of resources. The other important aspects in the performance of charity organisationsthat are also surveyed in this study includemethods of selecting their leaders, qualifications required, capacity building programmes of leaders, and management of information system.
The study employed questionnaires which were administered to their employees and the target population was 254 employee. The analysis of findings used descriptive method. The study found that there are factors other than those mentioned above that lead to the success of charitable organisations such as political environment, security, and the behavior of Sudan’s traditional society. The study also found that there is need for the training of workers and leaders alike to combat weaknesses in the management of information system. At the end of this paper a model for improving the performance of the charitable Organisationsin Sudan is proposed.
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