موقف الشيخ عبد الله صالح الفارسي من عقائد القاديانية في شرق إفريقيا


  • محمد الشيخ عليو محمد


During the British Colony, the Ahmadiya Muslim Mission (Qadianis) arrived in East Africa, in 1896. Then, in 1934, the regional office of East Africa was established under the chairmanship of Mubarak Ahmadi, who transformed the movement in terms of spread, propagation, publication and translation. Ahmadi authored a Kiswahili translation of the Holy Quran in 1953 and accused of stating theological opinions that contradicted with the general creed of Muslims and intended to advocate for Qadiani thought among Muslims in East Africa. When Sheikh Abdullah Saleh Al-Farsi, the Kadhi of Zanzibar; the then Mufti (Chief Kadhi) of Kenya, realized the faults of this translation, he began to write his famous Kiswahili Quran translation in response to the Qadiani translation. This research contains four chapters that outline the efforts of Sheikh Abdullah Saleh al-Farsi in responding to the Qadiani doctrines through introducing the Sheikh, the Qadiani sect, providing some examples of the Sheikh's responses to the Qadiani translation which he stated at the footnotes of his Kiswahili translation of the Holy Qur'an and reinforcing that with a summary table containing all places in which the Sheikh responded to the Qadiani theological or lexical interpretations with reference to the Surah, the verse, the number of the footnote and the responded Qadiani interpretations. The research concludes with several findings and recommendations.


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How to Cite

عليو محمد م. ا. . (2023). موقف الشيخ عبد الله صالح الفارسي من عقائد القاديانية في شرق إفريقيا . ABDULRAHMAN AL-SUMAIT University Journal (SUJ), Page 33. Retrieved from https://journal.sumait.ac.tz/index.php/data/article/view/27


