الكلام المباشر وغير المباشر في لغة الصحافة السواحيلية
دراسة تحليلية
They seem that most of the natural languages are sharing "Direct speech" as it is a human speech feature but "Indirect speech" is not, as every language has its own way to express it. This research deals with "Free direct speech" in the headlines of Swahili language press which known with its own "Block language" and with its strict distance that represent many problems; some are formal , others are syntactical. The absence of the quotation marks and absence of the verb of the reporting clause which resulted in two types of ambiguity: Difficulty of recognizing the identity of the sentence type (Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory) and dealing with the difficulties of the syntactical changes that should be done from "Free direct speech" into "Indirect Speech " , that means that from "deviant language" into "usual language". So, the research tries to put rules that control these changes . This research proves the relation between Swahili language and the manner of thought of its speakers where can be shown in: sequences of Swahili tenses and their references that ruled only by context and the "double negative" in the imperative clause that can cause a lot of translation problems. Moreover, this research proves that Swahili language press has a special courageous language by expanding new innovations in both semantically and syntactically. This research recommends that the Swahili grammar books should all be reclassified in chapters or sections as they lack discipline as they were considered a basket where grammarians put all the information they had altogether in it.
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مادة الدراسة ومصادرها )مرتبة طبقاً لأولية النشر(
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