Psychosocial Factors as Predictors of Academic Self-Efficacy among Secondary School Students in Oyo State, Nigeria


  • Titilayo Adeoye Ajadi
  • Ademola Ajani Adeleke


Psychosocial factors, Peer pressure, Locus of control, Student attitude


The study assessed the level of academic self-efficacy of secondary school students in Oyo State and how it can be affected by peer pressure, locus of control and student attitude. This study adopted the descriptive research design of the correlational type. A total of three hundred (300) secondary school students participated in this study using a multistage sampling technique. Three research questions were tested and answered at 0.05 level of significance. Reliable instruments (Peer Pressure Questionnaire; r=0.86, Locus of Control Survey; r=0.88, Student Attitude Questionnaire; r=0.76, Self-Efficacy Questionnaire; r=0.82) were used in collecting the data. Data collected were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Linear Regression. It was discovered that there was a significant relationship between peer pressure (β=.703), locus of control (β=.453), student attitude (β=-.210) and self-efficacy. Regression analysis revealed that the three independent variables (peer pressure, locus of control, and student attitude) jointly accounted for 54.5% (Adjusted R2=.545) variation in the prediction of self-efficacy. The strongest predictors of self-efficacy were peer pressure and locus control, followed by student attitude. It was recommended that school counsellors should counsel students on the need to develop higher academic self-efficacy other than just stop at the moderate level, as the higher level would bring about excellent results in their academics and help them throughout their life endeavours.


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How to Cite

Adeoye Ajadi, . T. ., & Ajani Adeleke, A. (2023). Psychosocial Factors as Predictors of Academic Self-Efficacy among Secondary School Students in Oyo State, Nigeria . ABDULRAHMAN AL-SUMAIT University Journal (SUJ), Page 18. Retrieved from


