SUJ is following the Code of Conduct as defined by the Committee of Publication These ethics include the editor following certain rules on relations with readers, authors, and reviewers as well as procedures for handling complaints.

Conformance to standards of ethical behavior is therefore expected of all parties involved: Authors, Editors, Reviewers, and the Publisher.

In particular,

Editorial Board


  1. Manages the peer review process, and takes final decisions on whether papers should be accepted.

  2. Comment on and monitor the quality of submissions and propose measures for improvement.
  3. Establish a panel of peer reviewers on the basis of expertise, utilizing contacts to build a list of experts who will also review the papers submitted for publication.
  4. By themselves supplying peer reviews of articles submitted to SUJ, with the understanding that the editors will limit such demands on Editorial Board members’ time; Board members will not be asked to review more than one manuscript per year.

Membership: The editorial board will consist of a minimum of ten members, with ethnic diversity of the profession. Members must hold a master's degree (or higher) in a relevant discipline, and must have published at least once in a peer-reviewed journal.

Terms of office: Members of the Editorial Committee appointed on the basis of expertise will normally be appointed for once a year, renewable. Members may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

<p">Communication: The Editorial Board shall meet on an as needs basis but at least twice a year. The Editorial Board shall normally meet electronically. Funds are not provided to meet face to face. Quorum shall be two-thirds of the membership of the board. Meetings will be chaired by Editor-in-Chief.  In the absence of the Editor-in-Chief at a particular meeting, Deputy Chief Editor will chair to officiate.

Decisions will be reached by consensus where possible. The agenda and supporting documentation will be distributed at least seven working days prior to the editorial board meeting.

Advisory Board


 The Role of the Committee of Scientific Advisors

  1. Provide unbiased, scientific perspective advice to the journal on all matters relating to SUJ
  2. Participating in periodic consultations to assess the journal’s progress and plan for its future
  3. Assure that the information used by the Editorial Board in any decisions taken is based on the best available scientific information.

Membership: The Advisory Board will consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of fifteen members, with ethnic diversity of the profession.

Terms of office: Members will normally be appointed for four years, renewable. Members may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

Communication: The Advisory Board shall meet on an as needs basis. Advisory Board shall normally meet electronically, as determined by the Editor-in-Chief.  Funds are not provided to meet face to face.