عرض وتقييم ماجستير بعنوان
فقه مناصحة والة األمر في الدولة اإلسالمية
One of the greatest rights and heaviest responsibilities at the same time are to preserve and protect peoples’ lives as well as their religion, dignity and property. To stand up for these rights and obligations require someone to have a purified heart from internal ills and purified tongue to speak the truth and fight for it and dedicated himself for the greatest trust to serve humanity. In doing so he gives his hearted advices and accepts advices given to him with clean heart. The give and take of hearty advices is like a light showing people the way and bringing them together with defined unity of purpose and direction, for it represents the desire to seek good for the others. Here comes the significance of summarizing this study under the title: “The Fiqh of advising the Muslim rulers in an Islamic state” The main qualifications for those who seek public office or religious positions are efficiency and capacity; they should also be free from corruption, treason, nepotism, besides they should have the zeal to maintain peace and order.