floods, cyclones, climate change, disaster management, vulnerability, early warnings, socio-economic impactAbstract
Bangladesh is the most susceptible for floods, cyclones and tidal surges due to its geographical location which makes the country’s hydrology very diverse. The poor socio-economic conditions of the people have also made the nation more vulnerable to natural disasters. Although hydro-meteorological disasters are beyond the control of human beings, however, the impacts can be minimized through effective disaster management. Significant reduction in death toll and socio-economic loss caused by cyclone and floods in Bangladesh during 1988 to 2007 was the result of improved means of communication, information and broadcasting technology. These mechanisms have been possible due to timely forecasting and dissemination of warnings, as well as the evacuation of vulnerable people living in disaster prone areas. Still some rural people of the country usually consider natural disasters to be punishments from God and try to find solutions through praying and relying less on people’s help.
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