Dhima ya Ushikamani wa Mandhari na Jukwaa la Kisasa katika Maigizo Teule ya Kiswahili ya Studioni


  • Wasila Makame Ali


Ushikamani, Mandhari, Jukwaa, Maigizo


Due to the development of science and technology influenced by globalization in African societies,
including Tanzania, studio acting has emerged. This has caused difficulty in distinguishing the
border of the stage and the scene of the dramas. This is because the part that was used as a stage in
the past, that is the part that rose in the hall in front of the audience as they say (Mugubi and
Kebaya, 2012), is currently no longer used; even when it is used, it is not a theater for acting but a
theater to show the drama recorded in technological tools such as television, computer and video
recorder (Wanjala and Kavoi, 2011). Thus, the analysis of the elements of the scene and the
modern stage in Kiswahili dramas has been controversial, because the place where there should be
a stage is where the scene appears. Therefore, the article has identified the role of the cohesion of
the scene and the modern stage in the Kiswahili dramas of the studio in order to introduce the
importance of that cohesion. If the research of this article had not been done, the audience of
Kiswahili dramas as well as the critics would have continued not to see the roles of the cohesion of
those elements in studio dramas


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How to Cite

MGANGA, N. A., & Ali, W. M. (2024). Dhima ya Ushikamani wa Mandhari na Jukwaa la Kisasa katika Maigizo Teule ya Kiswahili ya Studioni . ABDULRAHMAN AL-SUMAIT University Journal (SUJ), Pages 11. Retrieved from https://journal.sumait.ac.tz/index.php/data/article/view/97


