
  • Mtumwa Khamis


Selection Process, Selection Criteria, , Diploma in Education, Entry Qualification


Selection of students to join any education programme is a professional decision and not simply a student right. Professional criteria should be used in making this decision instead of just academic credentials which predict performance as a student, not a teacher. This paper assesses the selection process for joining Diploma in Education Programmes in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Specifically, it explores the selection process for diploma in education programme in Zanzibar, Tanzania; and the Rationale behind the selection process for diploma in education programme in Zanzibar, Tanzania. This study was conducted in Zanzibar, Tanzania. Zanzibar Muslim College and Pemba Islamic College were involved during data collection as they are government institutions responsible for running diploma in education programme in Zanzibar. The study mainly based on qualitative research approach as the dominant methodological strategy since it required information from people’s experience, review of documents and focus group discussions. The choice of this approach based on the nature of the topic and our objectives of the study. The data of this study were obtained in June, 2021 as a part of the data collected during my master’s degree programme. The methods used were interview, classroom observation and documentary review. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of this paper concluded that selection process for joining diploma in education programmes in Zanzibar, Tanzania lies under specified criteria including entry qualification based on academic background, education courses, interviews and LoI proficiency. The study recommends that the colleges should put much emphasis on applying many criteria as possible such that they can register well qualified candidates for diploma education programmes for betterment of the programme itself but also for the college rank, candidates and the country.


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