الشخصيات الرئيسة والمساعدة والثانوية في سلسة

"سر الأسرار" الروائية أنموذج ا


  • محمود عبد الواحد عبد الحليم حامد


The novel, Characters, The main characters, Auxiliary characters, Minor characters


The novel is one of the most prosperous and widespread literary genres in the modern era, and it represents a great cultural, social, and political importance, and the reader will appreciate the novel because it contains many elements and events that make him inseparable from them only by completing its reading, and therefore the novel still retains its position among other literary genres. The artistic ability and distinguishes it from other literary arts in displaying the hopes and pains of society. The subject of the study is the novel series:  

.1 Rocha Chimerah, Siri Sirini, Mshairi na Mfungwa, Kitabu cha 1, located in 458 pages of small pieces, and the number of chapters is 20 chapters, published in 2013.

.2 Rocha Chimerah, Siri Sirini, Mpiga Mbizi Kilindini, Kitabu cha 2, it is 322 pages of small pieces, and the number of chapters is 11 chapters, published in 2014.

.3 Rocha Chimerah, Siri Sirini, Mtihani wa Mwanamke, Kitabu cha 3, located in 422 pages of small pieces, and the number of chapters is 15 chapters, published in 2014.


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-Rocha Chimerah, Siri Sirini, Mshairi na Mfungwa, Kitabu cha 1, Longhorn Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya, 2013.

-Rocha Chimerah, Siri Sirini, Mpiga Mbizi Kilindini, Kitabu cha 2, Longhorn Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya, 2014.

-Rocha Chimerah, Siri Sirini, Mtihani wa Mwanamke, Kitabu cha 3, Longhorn

Publishers, Nairobi, Kenya, 2014.

المراجع العربية:

- حسن شوندي وآزاده كريم ،رؤية إلى العناصر الروائية، فصلية دراسات الأدب المعاصر، العدد العاشر، جامعة آزاد الإسلامية، كرج، إيران، 1390هـ.

- طه وادي ،دراسات في نقد الرواية، دار المعارف، القاهرة، ط 3، 1994م.

صلاح فضل ،مناهج النقد المعاصر، دار الآفاق العربية، القاهرة، ط1، 1417



How to Cite

عبد الحليم حامد م. ع. ا. . (2023). الشخصيات الرئيسة والمساعدة والثانوية في سلسة: "سر الأسرار" الروائية أنموذج ا . ABDULRAHMAN AL-SUMAIT University Journal (SUJ), Page 25. Retrieved from https://journal.sumait.ac.tz/index.php/data/article/view/57


