Parents’ support on learners’ attitudes towards second language learning: the case of English for grade 6 pupils in Zanzibar


  • Abdulrahman Omar Mzee


Parents’ support


The objective of the paper is to explore how parents’ support affects pupils’ attitudes towards English. The study employed a cross-sectional design coupled with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data from pupils were analysed using SPSS, version 26 to develop correlations of the pupils’ attitudes and expectations against socio-demographic factors. Data from parents were analysed qualitatively. The analysis revealed that a majority of parents support their children in learning English in Zanzibar. Further, there is a positive significant relationship between parents’ support and students’ attitude (P<0.001), attitude and area of residence (P<0.001), attitude and parents’ support (P>0.05). The study concludes that English is the language that is wanted by the community in Zanzibar with a lot of expectations held towards English on the Islands. Therefore, teaching  English should be done effectively and appropriately. 


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How to Cite

Omar Mzee, A. . (2023). Parents’ support on learners’ attitudes towards second language learning: the case of English for grade 6 pupils in Zanzibar . ABDULRAHMAN AL-SUMAIT University Journal (SUJ), Page 20. Retrieved from


