البناء الفني للشخصية في القصة السواحيلية القصيرة

"العودة للوطن" و" ِحيل المبعوثين" أنموذجا


  • محمود أبوالفتوح محمد طلبه


Swahili’s short story is a pivotal branch of literary prose. It is considered a beautiful art through which its authors take upon themselves to express the ideas and reflections of a wide-cross section of their ethnicity. Hence, the Swahili short story played a role of no less significance than other literary genres; it has been a steering system to society, a call for reform, and inculcation of idle values and teachings.

This paper studies the two following story collections:

  • Kurudi Nyumbani na Hadithi Nyingine Homecoming and Other Stories.
  • Mizungu ya Manabii na Hadithi Nyingine Envoys’ Tricks and Other Stories.

For a number of Swahili writers in an attempt to find out how these writers employ the element of characterization structure, the research seeks to answer the following questions: What is the meaning of literary structure? What is the characterization elements used to create the short stories under study? This paper objectives to shedding light on the concept of literary structure, and analyze the characterization used to compose the short stories under study.


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How to Cite

محمد طلبه م. أ. . (2023). البناء الفني للشخصية في القصة السواحيلية القصيرة: "العودة للوطن" و" ِحيل المبعوثين" أنموذجا. ABDULRAHMAN AL-SUMAIT University Journal (SUJ), Page 25. Retrieved from https://journal.sumait.ac.tz/index.php/data/article/view/50


