No doubt, if anyone switches on a T.V, or flips daily newspapers will listen or read about the great tangible role, the Non-Governmental Organizations play in the alleviation of natural and human-made disasters or in the nations development support.
Many writers tried to define the Non-Governmental Organization, they all agreed on that, “they are organizations which operate independent from the government and not seek to maximize profit. Other authors defined them from the point of their operation or orientation. Some of them are development supporters while others confine their role in salvation and rescue.
In this paper the writer tries to find whether these organizations can be described as a third sector. He tried to differentiate between the first and second sector and tried to find the location of these organizations in the socio-economic hierarchy.
Generally, the Non-Governmental Organizations look as booth, private and public sector, they serve the public as the Governments do, but the operate independently, that is why they are Non-Governmental. Accordingly they are not Public Sector. They provide the public with goods and services without payment or profit. In this regard they are not private sector. They are third sector. They can carry any name such as Voluntary Sector or Humanity sector.
The conclusion is that, the Non-Governmental organization is a third sector. All stakeholders should deal with it like that; on a way that these organizations can enhance their role in the places where they operate. In the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
- Alan Fowler, (1997) Striking a Balance, Published by Earthscan Publication Ltd. 120 pentonville Road London, N1 9JN.
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- B.T. Lawani (1999) NGOs in development, 1st Edition, Published by
Perm Rawat, for Rawat Publications 3-Na020, Jawhar Nagar, Jaipur
004 India, 651438 Fax, +91 141 651748, G-4 Govind Lane ,
/24, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj New Delhi 110 002
- Caroline Sahley, Strengthening the capacity of NGOs, 1st Edition,
Published by Davies Burman Associates, INTRAC PO Oxford U.K,(1995)
- Hulme and Edward, NGOs States and Donors, First Published by Macmillan Press Ltd. Houndmill, Basingstoke, RG21 6XS and Londn Representatives. Hampshire St Martin Press Ltd, USA (1997)
- Kandil, A. (1994) the Status of the Third Sector in the Arab Region.
- Uphoff,N. (1987) Relations between Government and NGOs and the promotion of Autonomous Development.
Web sites:
- www. /S7000/Zanzibar_island_History.htm
- www.