المذاهب الأدبية الحديثة وأثرها في النقد العربي الحديث


  • عزيزة علي إبراهيم


This research discusses the impact of modern literary doctrines on literary criticism and aims to highlight the role of modern literary doctrines in influencing Arab critics, and the most important themes to which the theories of literary criticism have shifted in the modern era.

In the first section of the research, the researcher reviewed modern literary doctrines, beginning with classical doctrine, with given explaination on the most important characteristics, and presented examples of classical poetry as well as leading poets in classical doctrine. Then, the researcher turned to the romantic doctrine and reviewed its most important characteristics and models of romantic poetry.

In the second section of the research, the researcher tried to follow the development of the concept of literary criticism and its association with modern schools, and then set aside literary criticism in the modern era, and in conclusion the researcher tried to summarize the effects of modern literary schools of literary criticism.

The research concluded that literary doctrines originated in the West. Through the circumstances surrounding Western societies, where the Arab poet tried to follow the approach of the Western approach without taking into account the circumstances surrounding Arab society, and found in the convergence of Western and Arab cultures mainly in the renewal of the poetic spirit and walk in Ride the world culture. The researcher also explained the Arab critic's interest in the issue of form and content rather than the interest in pronunciation at times and focusing on meaning elsewhere, as well as the influence on the idea of edition and workmanship in dealing with poetic and literary models.


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How to Cite

إبراهيم ع. ع. (2023). المذاهب الأدبية الحديثة وأثرها في النقد العربي الحديث. ABDULRAHMAN AL-SUMAIT University Journal (SUJ), Page 25. Retrieved from https://journal.sumait.ac.tz/index.php/data/article/view/28


