أوضاع اللغة العربية في تعليمي التقليدي والأهلي في كينيا
شمال شرق كينيا نموذجا
The status of Arabic Language in Kenya’s Non-Formal Education :(A Case
Study of North Eastern Kenya)
The situation of the Arabic language in North-Eastern Kenya is gradual and varied in its content. The beginning of education in the region is equivalent to kindergarten, and is known as Duksi (in the Somali language). Upon concluding the memorization of the entire Qur’an or sections of it, a student either graduates at this level and commences his life, or he proceeds to the second stage where he seeks to increase his knowledge, which involves attending Qur'anic sessions at the mosque. This stage begins with the study of sciences of Arabic language, such as grammar, morphology rhetoric, and logic, from the beginners to the advanced books of Arabic grammar. Then the student begins to study the basics of Islamic jurisprudence. The student may participate in more than one subject. At this stage the student learns the jurisprudence, exegence of the Quran as well as the Prophetic traditions (Hadith) until he graduates under the guidance of scholars of this non-formal type of education. There is a third level of education in the region, which is the private Islamic schools (Madarasas), which are regular, and have their own levels, curricula, certificates, and years of study. Their graduates enrol in Islamic universities in the faculties of Sharia, Islamic studies and Arabic Language in the Arab countries as well as in some countries of the Islamic world. The subjects taught in these schools are, largely, similar to those taught at the mosques except the teaching methods, the levels, the exams, the certificates and the school administration in charge.
This research aims to describe the status of the Arabic language in the private Islamic school education system in North-Eastern Kenya with a predominantly Somali population. The research also aims to highlight the role of the Qur'an schools and mosque-based studies in the preservation of Arabic language and the Islamic culture in the region. Finally, the research points out the role of private Islamic schools in uplifting the standard of reading and writing Arabic language in the Duksi, starting from literal translation in mosques, to a higher level where students are able to communicate in both spoken and written Arabic.
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