Zanzibar International Relations and its Effects from1840 –1963
International relations, Zanzibar, Zanzibari and British ProtectoriateAbstract
The study focuses on the Zanzibar International Relations and the impact from 1840 to 1963. Its primary
objective is to analyze the effects of the relations during that period. The study is based on the premise that
Zanzibar's international relations facilitated its integration into the capitalist world, influencing changes
across nearly all aspects of Zanzibari life. The research employed a qualitative approach, gathering data
through interviews and documentary reviews. The findings revealed that Britain exerted significant influence
over Zanzibar even before the death of Sultan Seyyid. In 1890, when Zanzibar was declared a British
Protectorate, Britain assumed full control over its internal affairs and international relations. While these
relationships led to certain advancements in Zanzibar, particularly due to interactions with European
countries and the United States, they also had several consequences.
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